I was overwhelmed with gratitude this morning when I found all the comments from my supportive friends. Thank you all for listening to my complaints and not judging me for being so negative. :)
Today was much better. I woke up with my usual Monday morning fire to get the house clean, top to bottom. I did it faster than ever before and felt great. The weather was, once again, amazing. I decided to take the kids on a picnic.

We went to get lunch at KFC and then, since we were right by Target, I thought we would just stop there first to grab a few things for Easter. Big mistake. Long story short, we never made it to the park. Eva threw the tantrum of her life. Seriously, she should get an award. Turning 2 finally caught up to us, I guess, because I have honestly never seen her act like that. We went straight home, she screamed all the way, and I immediately put her down for a much-needed nap. She woke up hoarse from the hour she spent making those demonic noises, and in a much better mood.

Happy day, all is right.
Your children are so beautiful. It sure looks like a good day. Hang in there, Steph. You really are so strong.
Last night you and your kids were in my dreams (so now I sleep in blog form). I was in the grocery store with my mom and you walked by with your kids in your cart, and for some reason, I didn't know you, but my mom and I were both gushing over how cute your kids are.
Freaked out?
I believe cute baby pictures are the #1 purpose of blogs.
Good job. :)
Steph your are such an amazing person. Reading your blog always makes me want to be a better person.
Miss you.
Super cute pics! Glad life is good.
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