Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today's thoughts

- 1pm is probably my favorite time of day. It's Eva's naptime, and I have about 2 hours to do whatever I want. It's different everyday. Some days I clean, some days I blog and read others' blogs, some days I scrapbook, some days I watch TV and fold laundry. I relish this time in my life when I actually a have an hour or two (depending on Leighton) to do what I want. I know that won't always be so, and I LOVE it.

- It's a great feeling to put dinner in the crockpot in the morning and smell it throughout the day. Not only does it make my house feel good, it makes evenings a breeze.

- I got new curtains in my scrapbook room. They are purple velvet, and they are beautiful. Now I just need to paint the walls a robin's-egg blue and it will be complete. My sanctuary.

- Eva colored on the wall for the first time the other day - with a black crayon. Andrew was pretty mad - especially since I let her have a crayon and didn't notice when she walked away with it. But all is well again, because someone told me about the power of Magic Erasers. You can't even tell there was anything on the wall in the first place. They really are magic!

- I have a big, fat, wooden (bamboo) cutting board that I leave permanently on my kitchen counter next to the sink. Every time I look at it, it makes me feel like a chef. I love it.

- Andrew just found out this afternoon that he leaves on Sunday for his first 2-week trip to Iraq. (It's not a deployment - it's a TDY.) I am a little worried about being alone for that long. He has always been so helpful that I don't know how I'll survive on my own. And who will comfort me in the night when I wake up with bad dreams? Who will I talk to at dinner? Who will make waffles for us on Sunday mornings? I know it's just 2 weeks, but then after that it's 2 more weeks, and then 2 more weeks...this will be our life now. Him being home for only a few days a month. I willingly signed up for this back when I was so in love I couldn't see straight. Not that I am regretting that AT ALL, but I am realizing that this new change - and Andrew's commitment to serving our great country - is going to mean that I am sacrificing alot too. A LOT. Not sacrificing, really...just working way dang hard all by my lonesome. Bathtime, bedtime, breakfast time...all these will be twice as hard without my one and only. Pray for me...I hope I survive.

- Eva is asking me for help in opening the box of fish crackers and reading a story. So I will say just one more thing: I have a really, really great life.


Annie. said...

I love magic erasers! Hang in there when Andrew is gone: I know I would hate it too, but you can do it! :)

Chanel said...

You will do great. Rodney started traveling when Cambria was a few months, Decota was one, and Declan was 3. It was HARD at times, but it was also very empowering. I knew that I could do anything after I got used to it. I still feel very empowered now, to know that I can make it all work on my own. Then when they get home you are so grateful for the extra help that you become a better person trying to do things that will make your husband's life easyier because you are around. It has been a great thing for Rodney and I.